Wednesday, July 27, 2011

greater things have yet to come.

We are a chosen generation, rise up holy nation, God we live for You. You have called us out of darkness, into light so glorious, God we live for You.

"Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things--and the things that are not--to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God--that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord." 1 Cor. 1:26-31

i am finally home. after getting back to the states last thursday night, my team and i headed down to florida to report about our journey to beach project. after spending the weekend there, we all parted to go home. it is definitely bittersweet being back. as much as i've loved getting to see my sweet family and friends, i still wish i was in thailand longer. i almost feel like i don't belong here because of how different everything has been and will be. however, as i sit and meditate on the wonderful works of our Lord, i get excited thinking about this year and applying everything i've learned this summer in my daily life.

the Lord has blown me away this summer. i can sit and talk with each of you for hours about everything He's taught me. i wish everyone could have experienced what my team and i have experienced. i expected to learn more about evangelism before this summer and i have...but i never thought i would be able to discover myself and most importantly God in the way i have. i think i went on this trip thinking i knew what i needed to know about myself and about God. i quickly found out i was completely wrong as the Lord rocked my world by showing me the depth of my sin. i realized that i was worse than i ever thought i was. i was able to see sin in my life i didn't think existed...pride being the root of it all. however, the Lord didn't stop there. in the midst of my sin, he showed me the beauty of the Cross. he broke me so he could revive me. he stripped me of my comfort so he could show me how much i really needed him. through this emptiness, i was able to taste the grace of God in a way i've never before. His grace became sufficient. it became abundant. and through it, i was able to find eternal comfort and hope and every good thing i've been given by my Savior.

my chains are gone
i've been set free
my God, my Savior has ransomed me
and like a flood His mercy reigns
unending love, amazing grace.

i also began understanding that i can't ask the Lord to make me more like Him half-heartedly. i can't let go of the things that are easy to let go of and hold onto the ones that are hard. i need to give Him my everything and beg Him whole-heartedly to mold me into His image. and in that moment, i was able to discover the freedom that i'm meant to live in daily. if i surrender every aspect of my life to Him, i'm left with nothing but freedom. His freedom. this is what my God desires for live my life completely surrendered to Him so i can enjoy the gift of life in the beauty of His freedom.

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Cor. 3:17

thailand and the people i've met there will forever be in my heart. living in the midst of a lost world has put into reality the greater need that's found outside the U.S. there are people who've never heard of the name of Jesus before and who don't know the good news that ultimately brings everlasting joy. i've realized even more now the responsibility i have as a believer to go and make disciples of all nations. it's not about what i can do or say but the willingness to give God to use me in any way for His Kingdom. it's been so encouraging to see that the Lord is moving in thailand. He's still present even in the midst of those who don't know Him. He's raising up leaders and opening doors to make Himself known. the Christian thai's are a prime example. observing their lives this summer has reflected Christ to me and has challenged me to live my life the same way. they have inspired me and encouraged me to give up everything i am for the sake of the gospel. they've exemplified humility to me in a way that's going to be impossible to forget. God is moving. please continue to pray for the people of thailand...Greater things have yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city. 

although this part of my journey is over, i still plan on blogging about the next chapter of my life. thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers and support. the Lord is so good to me to have brought you all in my life. there's no way i could've been able to experience these unforgettable two months without you all. i'm praying that through my journey the Lord has given you a deeper understanding of His love for you. i hope He has drawn you closer to Him and given you a desire for more of Him each day. i hope you're encouraged to make Him the supreme passion of your life as you learn to love and imitate Him in your everyday walk.

                                     the most amazing team i've ever known. i'm so thankful.

Jesus Christ's kingship will not crush you. He was crushed for you. He followed his thread to the cross so you can follow yours into his arms. -Tim Keller


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

my heart will sing no other name, Jesus.

i leave to go home a week from today. it's almost surreal to sit and think about how fast the last weeks have gone by. as i was reflecting over my summer yesterday, i got overwhelmed thinking about how much the Lord has showed me being here. these past two months have been the most challenging yet most incredible months of my life. the Lord has transformed my heart in more ways than one and for this, my heart greatly rejoices in Him.

a couple of weeks ago, our team had the privilege of going to an orphanage where we got to spend some unforgettable time with the precious kids. 
"Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it."
Mark 10:14-16
the past couple of weeks for me has consisted of spending time with the freshman girls. they had what's called "freshy games," which is a competition between each faculty in different types of sports and activities. it was so much fun to be a part of it.

4th of July weekend was a relaxing time with my team as we spent the weekend going swimming and spending the night at a fancy hotel, the Pullman. this weekend was definitely needed and was a great way of rejuvenating. 

as i look back at my summer so far, my heart can't help but overflow with thankfulness. the Lord has been so good to me. His constant love and abundant grace has brought a whole new meaning to my life. being in the midst of a lost world has helped me revaluate my life and the things that are most important to me. i've been realizing more and more each day how important it is for me to constantly be rooted in the Word. i've realized my need for the Lord every second of my life. i've seen how easy it is for me to be swayed by the things of this world and fall so easily to the temptations i'm faced with. i've been learning to dig in the Word everyday as well as treasure His Word for it's the most valuable treasure i'll ever have. what a blessing it is to freely go to my King whenever i want to. also, being around people who have the same heart for the Lord has only encouraged me continually give up everything i am for the sake of the gospel. afterall, there's nothing good in me except Jesus. it's not about what i've done or will ever do but only because of what Jesus chosen to do for me. my heart longs to be more like my Saviors' for in Him, i have everything i'll ever need. 

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it." 
Matt. 16:24-25

Monday, July 4, 2011

be still.

"Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty? They are higher than the heavens-what can you do? They are deeper then the depths of the grave-what can you know? Their measure is longer than than the earth and wider than the sea." Job 11:7-9

as i sit in the nearby coffee shop writing this, i can't help but stand in complete awe of the God i serve. He continues to blow me away by how mysteriously and wonderfully He works all things for His glory. today was a clear indication of His sovereignty and how absolutely perfect His timing is.

i experienced the sweetest moment of my life today as i witnessed a girl (Markii) my ministry partner and i had hung out with once before, came to accept Christ as her Lord and Savior. i wish everyone could have seen every detail of what happened today to know how it was all beautifully orchestrated by God alone. it was a normal day at lunch when Markii came to sit with Aw (my ministry partner) and i. i asked her about her weekend and she opened up about family problems and her own struggles. that's all it took. i proceeded to ask her questions about how she dealt with hardships in her life. she responded by saying that she doesn't feel anything anymore, no emotion, so she distracts herself by listening to music or watching movies to deal with problems. i went on to tell her that even though i can't understand her situation, i get through the good and the bad things in my life by embracing to the only hope i have in Jesus. she went on to tell us that she went to church last week for the first time and it was there that she felt something warm in her heart for the first time. Aw and i looked at each other and we were both thinking the same thing..."It's time to pump the Gospel." afterwards, Aw shared her testimony with her and told her why she became a Christian. Markii kept asking questions about sin, heaven, hell, prayer, the Christian life, and so much more. we answered her questions and used visual diagrams to explain some things. after talking to her for a while, Aw turned to me and said, "Ok. She says she's ready to become a Christian." with my mouth wide open and tears streaming down my face, i held her hands tightly as we got ready to pray. Markii repeated a prayer after Aw as i sat there completely still before the Lord, so amazed at His wondrous work. after we prayed, Markii, with tears in her eyes said, "I felt Jesus." she said she had felt like the Lord had been preparing her for this moment since she was a little girl. she always felt like God was drawing her to Himself but she never found anyone to tell her what that meant. she said she got out of class early today, which was very unusual and although she had already eaten, she felt something leading her to go back to the cafeteria. and when she saw us, she knew she was supposed to sit with us. Aw and i couldn't say anything, we couldn't do anything...except be still.

that moment, with the three of us sitting together, holding hands and praising Jesus for our new sister in Christ, was unlike anything i've ever experienced. words can not describe how it was all God. He'd been preparing His daughter since she was a little girl and in His perfect timing, He brought her to Him. i can only imagine what heaven looks like right now as i'm sure the angels are rejoicing over a new saved soul. i praise Him for restoring Markii's life, freeing her from the captives of darkness to His marvelous light, and writing her name in the Book of Life.

Praise His name for He is the only one worthy of all the glory.

                                                                me, markii, and aw

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Isaiah 46:10
