Tuesday, June 5, 2012

nepal bound.

          Tomorrow will be the day i leave for Nepal. for those of you who didn't know, i was supposed to fly out last week. however, things didn't go the way I had hoped. actually, mostly everything about this trip has been the complete opposite of how I had thought it would be. praise the Lord i'm not in control of my life!
          A week before we were supposed to leave last week, one of my team member's (Kacey) mom was admitted to the ICU for liver failure. So she decided not to go. And then I came to find out that my passport wasn't going to come in time for me to fly out with the rest of my team, Candace and Anna Grace. so Candace and Anna Grace flew last week but i stayed behind waiting on my passport. thankfully, my passport came in a couple of days later. the church booked me another flight for tomorrow from Atlanta. i'll be flying from ATL to New York City, to London, to Bahrain, then finally to Kathmandu. It's a little over 42 hours of flight with layovers included...which is about 10 hours less than Thailand last summer, so Praise Him!!
         The other fun part is that i get to fly to Nepal all by myself. i'm definitely both excited and nervous. but then i remember the promises of my Savior...to be with me to the end of the age and i'm reassured that i have absolutely nothing to fear. at the end of the day i know my goal for the summer and that's to serve and love the people of Nepal, to be a witness for Christ, and to fearlessly proclaim His name, all for His glory.
        Thank you so much for your continuous prayers and support. please be praying for my travel tomorrow and that i would even meet people in the airport that i can share the gospel to! i will arrive in Nepal early Friday morning!

until then...


"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations." -Psalm 67:1-2


  1. If my excitement could be portrayed via computer screen the computer would not be able to hold all of the exclamation points i would put! Tears of joy Milcah, as I feel, see, and know the Spirit inside of you is bursting in exclamation to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Praise be to Him!


    It'll be a wild one, living with Him who knows all things!

  2. You have no idea how much this girl misses you! Bah! I'm so happy for you! You are such a huge part of my life and I know you will be for many over there in Nepal. The Lord just radiates through you. Come home to me soon, my friend! Proud of you!
